Jasmine Slovak

Aloha, my name is Jasmine.

I help with storytelling to build and connect communities.



I grew up in Hawai‘i, and I am deeply committed to this place and its future.

In the Hawai‘i of tomorrow, every individual will thrive with freedom, agency, and self-determination. Our communal wealth and resources will be equitably shared, with society seeing its most vulnerable members as a shared responsibility rather than as problems to be addressed. We will steward our water, land, and oceans not merely for our immediate use, but with the foresight of benefiting the seventh generation to come. And crucially, our governing bodies will mirror the rich tapestry of our ethnic backgrounds, socio-economic diversities, and deeply-rooted place-based values.

I work toward this supporting & collaborating with coalitions, organizations, and projects with aligned visions.

Hawai‘i Children’s Action Network (HCAN) Speaks! | The Great Wāhine Run | Hawai‘i’s Women’s Coalition | Hui Aloha ‘Āina chapter Ka Lei ‘Āina Ali‘i | Ka Lei Maile Ali‘i | Ho‘i Ho‘i Ea


Storyteller? What does that mean?

I use structured storytelling, which is a well-planned and methodical approach. With over ten years of experience in operations, marketing, and communications, I can help turn a project or campaign vision into practical action.



Strategy & Planning

Communications serve as the driving force behind organizational objectives.
What are the important parts of your story? Who are you telling your story to? Where will your reach your audience? And what materials make the most sense to communicate your story?

While deliverables change per client needs and focus, generally, there are 2 service areas:

  • This involves listening interviews, facilitation, and solution development. The cost estimation is based on the value that the Deliverables bring to your organization. Deliverables might include items such as Marketing or Communication Plans, Project Plans, Campaign Strategies, Reporting Suites, Presentation Decks, and Creative Production Lists and scopes. This effectively takes a vision and creates the tools to facilitate the initiative, the plan is then divided and assigned to internal or external team members.

  • This service when seeking expertly crafted proposals or grants that articulate your organization's vision, needs, and potential impact. Leveraging my extensive experience, I draft compelling narratives that enhance your chances of securing vital funding or approval. Whether you're aiming for governmental grants, private sponsorships, or foundation support, my writing ensures your objectives are presented with clarity, passion, and precision.



What tools do you need to tell your story?

Creating a successful communication or marketing campaign begins with a solid operational plan. The next essential step? Choosing the right storytelling tools and guiding the creative talents who will bring your vision to life.

Managing creative projects presents unique challenges in the Marketing and Communications field. It demands a blend of creativity, operational knowledge, and administrative skills. With my background as a creative producer, I bridge the gap between creative needs and operational efficiency. I excel in creating and implementing key tools and frameworks—like creative briefs, style guides, video protocols, and templates—that ensure teams are flexible and productive.

Let's make your story compelling, clear, and unforgettable.

Copy Writing | Video & Film | Graphic Design | Documentation


Reaching Your Community-AUDIENCE

Where is your community-audience; how do you reach them?

After finalizing your marketing and communication strategies and crafting your creative content, the focus shifts to distribution. Effective distribution means placing your content on the right platforms where your audience can easily find, view, and interact with it, encouraging them to take actions like purchasing, donating, engaging, or reaching out.

  • Your website is the cornerstone of your digital presence, offering unparalleled control over your message and how your community interacts with it. It's a powerful tool for communication, influence, and engagement, serving as a vital digital asset that demands attention.

  • Your "stack" is essentially the set of tools your team uses to manage communication channels and engage with your community. We collaborate to create a custom solution stack that aligns with your organization's needs and goals, ensuring your team has a comprehensive plan for utilizing and overseeing these technologies. This often includes email management, database management, etc.

  • Navigating the crowded media landscape requires strategic investment in channels that extend your reach effectively. We'll work together to pinpoint the most suitable platforms for your content, aiming to not just reach but also resonate with your target audience.

  • Fostering trust and a sense of belonging within your community is crucial. We employ tailored strategies and meaningful interactions to enhance engagement, building trust and rapport. Our approach is driven by a deep understanding of your community's needs and preferences, ensuring we meet them where they are.


Clients & Organizations


Have a community-centered or environmental initiative you’re excited about? Looking for a storyteller?